Sustainable water supply systems

At the heart of the AQUA PEARLS Foun­da­tion stands the b.water­MIS­SION – a trans­for­ma­tive project that improves the quality of life for people in Africa in the long term through the construc­tion of drinking water wells. The current focus is on projects in Tanzania, The Gambia and Kenya.

We are convinced, that clean drinking water is a funda­mental human right and that everyone should have access to it. For this reason, we work together with part­ners on inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to build sustain­able water supply systems. By building drinking water wells, local people get access to afford­able, clean water – without walking for hours. The long-​term use of the wells through ongoing moni­toring, main­te­nance, and repair is also ensured. Chosen members of the village are trained in these skills and assume respon­si­bility for keeping their village wells working. This project goes beyond providing access to clean water. By improving water quality, we are improving liveli­hoods, leading to signif­i­cant improve­ments in health, educa­tion, and economic devel­op­ment in the region.

Our targets for the drinking water wells:

  • Creating aware­ness, that water is the elixir of life
  • Construc­tion of 10´000 wells in the next few years
  • Access to safe and clean drinking water
  • Ensuring that every­body has access to drinking water wells within the village
b.water mission
b.water mission

What we achieved so far

Get your own well

If you decide to donate and support the construction of an entire well, the following options and benefits are yours:

  • You are personally named on the b.waterMISSION tap
  • You have access to the online dashboard to view water consumption and data of sustainability

How it works

The b.waterMISSION tap is an intelligent water dispenser which ensures, that the operation is technically monitored. All income can be tracked, controlled, and used transparently by private organizations or authorities to be able to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the systems.

eWater Pay
BWT and b.water in the Gambia

Payment via mobile phone and NFC technology

The villagers can use their mobile phone to purchase a b.water­MIS­SION credit, which is saved on the b.water­MIS­SION tag. With remote prepay­ment, trace­able water credits can be sent to the taps by author­i­ties, the local villagers, but also by donors all around the world.

The b.water­MIS­SION tech­nology even works in rural areas with poor data connec­tions, as low-bandwidth mobile connec­tion is used. In remote areas, the NFC tech­nology enables the consumers to load the credit directly on the tag and there­with source water from the tap.


b.water­MIS­SION taps

The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and NFC technology make it possible, to save the b.waterMISSION credit on the b.waterMISSION tag. The amount of water used is deducted from the credit on the tag. By scanning the tag on the fountain, the water comes out of the tap. The income guarantees the sustainable operation and maintenance of the taps. All data regarding water consumption and the status of the taps are monitored by live tracking of the entire tap system.

Real-​time data and statis­tics

The b.water­MIS­SION taps directly commu­ni­cate with a cloud-​based analysis soft­ware, which contin­u­ously provides data about the water system in real time. The soft­ware records all trans­ac­tions in a central data­base for trans­parent reporting. Due to this tech­nical remote moni­toring, oper­a­tional and perfor­mance prob­lems of each indi­vidual tap can be iden­ti­fied quickly. Low flow rates and malfunc­tions are detected and enable the oper­a­tions and main­te­nance teams to act quickly.

Thank you for changing the world together with us.

  • Country: Kenya, The Gambia, Tanzania
  • Start cooperation: 2020
  • Section: Drinking Water Supply